새 질문 64
What is the correct order of migrating a dataset from Document Manager to a Modern Project? Instructions:
Drag the Description found on the left and drop on the correct Step found on the right.

To organize the steps in the correct order for migrating a dataset from the Document Manager to a Modern Project, I’ll analyze the instructions and then match the steps accordingly. Here’s the logical order based on the descriptions:
* Step 1: Navigate to and open the project into which you want to import data. Select an already existing custom document type or create a new one.
* Step 2: Select “Upload” and choose the ZIP file exported from the classic project. Wait for the upload to finish.
* Step 3: Go to the document type you want to export and select “Open document type.”
* Step 4: From the “Filter documents” drop-down list, select “Training and validation set.” Select
* Step 5: Leave “Current search results” selected and fill in a name for your export job. Select
This should reflect the correct sequential process of migrating a dataset from Document Manager to a Modern Project.

새 질문 68
UiPath 문서 이해 템플릿에서 구성 파일의 목적 중 하나는 무엇인가요?
The Config file in the UiPath Document Understanding Template is a JSON file that contains various parameters and values that control the behavior and functionality of the template. One of the purposes of the Config file is to store the API keys and authentication credentials for accessing external services, such as the Document Understanding API, the Computer Vision API, the Form Recognizer API, and the Text Analysis API. These services are used by the template to perform document classification, data extraction, and data validation tasks. The Config file also allows the user to customize the template according to their needs, such as enabling or disabling human-in-the-loop validation, setting the retry mechanism, defining the custom success logic, and specifying the taxonomy of document types.
References: Document Understanding Process: Studio Template, Automation Suite – Document Understanding configuration file
새 질문 69
What is the Document Object Model (DOM) in the context of Document Understanding?
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a data representation of the objects that comprise the structure and content of a document on the web1. In the context of Document Understanding, the DOM is a JSON object that is generated by the Digitize Document activity, which uses the UiPath Document OCR engine to extract the text and layout information from the input document2. The DOM contains the following properties for each document3:
* name: The name of the document file.
* contentType: The MIME type of the document file, such as application/pdf or image/jpeg.
* textLength: The number of characters in the document text.
* pages: An array of objects, each representing a page in the document. Each page object has the following properties:
* pageNumber: The number of the page, starting from 1.
* rotation: The angle of rotation of the page, in degrees. A positive value indicates clockwise rotation, and a negative value indicates counterclockwise rotation.
* language: The language code of the page, such as en or fr.
* content: An array of objects, each representing a word or a line in the page. Each content object has the following properties:
* type: The type of the content, either word or line.
* text: The text of the content.
* boundingBox: An array of four numbers, representing the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the content, in the format [x1, y1, x2, y2]. The coordinates are relative to the page, with the origin at the top-left corner, and the unit is pixel.
* confidence: A number between 0 and 1, indicating the confidence level of the OCR engine in recognizing the content.
The DOM can be used as an input for other activities in the Document Understanding framework, such as Classify Document Scope, Data Extraction Scope, or Export Extraction Results. The DOM can also be manipulated using programming code, such as JavaScript or Python, to perform custom operations on the document data.
1: Introduction to the DOM – Web APIs | MDN 2: Digitize Document 3: Document Object Model
새 질문 70
UiPath AI 센터에서 내보낸 패키지를 업로드하는 올바른 순서는 무엇인가요?
지침을 따르세요: '왼쪽'에 있는 단계를 올바른 순서대로 '오른쪽'에 끌어다 놓습니다.


* Export the package from AI Center. This is the first step where you prepare the package to be moved.
* On the ML Packages page, click the Import ML Package button. This step is where you start the process of importing the package you’ve exported.
* On the Upload package field, add the zip file downloaded using the Downloading ML Packages procedure. After starting the import process, you will upload the actual package.
* Click Create. This is the final step where you finalize the uploading process of your ML package.
Please proceed with these steps in the UiPath AI Center to upload your exported package correctly.
새 질문 78
유아이패스 커뮤니케이션 마이닝에서 엔티티는 무엇을 의미하나요?
Entities are additional elements of structured data which can be extracted from within the verbatims. Entities include data such as monetary quantities, dates, currency codes, organisations, people, email addresses, URLs, as well as many other industry specific categories. Entities represent concepts, themes, and intents that are relevant to the business use case and can be used for filtering, searching, and analyzing the verbatims.
* Communications Mining – Entities
* Communications Mining – Using Entities in your Application
* Communications Mining – Configuring Entities
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