AD0-E116 Questions PDF [2022] Use Valid New dump to Clear Exam [Q21-Q36]

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AD0-E116 Questions PDF [2022] Use Valid New dump to Clear Exam

Passing Adobe AD0-E116 Exam Using 2022 Practice Tests

How is the test scored?

The exam is scored between 0 and 1000 points. A candidate can pass the Adobe AD0-E116 exam with a score of 620. The questions are the same for each version of the exam, but the passing score is set at different levels depending on the format. For example, if you take an online version of the Adobe AD0-E116 exam, the passing score is 620; however, if you take a paper and pencil version of this test, then your passing score is 700.

What are the preparation guide for the Adobe AD0-E116 Certification Exam

Best preparation guide For Adobe AD0-E116 Certification Exam

Adobe AD0-E116: Tips and tricks to solve the exam successfully if you don’t have time to read all the pages

The AD0-E116 Certification exam is a key Adobe certification exam. It is the most fundamental and essential exam for anyone who wants to become an Adobe certified professional. The AD0-E116 exam is one of the leading qualification exams for competing for jobs or getting a promotion in the career path of an Adobe products user. Candidates pursuing Adobe Certification must pass the AD0-E116 Certification Exam. This article will give you an overview of this exam and provide you with some tips on how to prepare for it. We will also discuss the sources to prepare for the exam, including braindumps. Adobe AD0-E116 Dumps PDF is the only true, authentic exam preparation material that can help you pass the certification exam.

What is the purpose of the Adobe AD0-E116 Certification exam?

The purpose of the Adobe AD0-E116 certification is to help people gain experience and understanding of how to use Adobe software. The program is recognized worldwide and helps users work more efficiently with these programs in real-life situations. Planned job growth for this field is expected to change very little over the next ten years. Adobe AD0-E116 Dumps will show users what they need to know in order to become an expert in these programs. Accredited training is offered with this certification and allows people to make the most out of their career opportunities. Enable yourself to get a stable job by passing the AD0-E116 test and gaining the knowledge needed to become more proficient using Adobe software. Assist your employer in lowering expenses by being a vital member of the company.


A developer needs to analyze log messages for custom Java application. The developer writes the following Java class:

The developer creates a custom log named custom.log with a debug level in OSGi web console for Java package

Where should the developer look in the OSGi web console to view the above message?


A developer creates a Sling Servlet. The Sling Servlet is bound to a path (/service/sling/sample). Refer to the resulting code below.
@Component (immediate=true, service = {Servlet.class})
@SlingServletPaths(value = {“/service/sling/sample”})
What should the developer do to make the servlet access controlled using the default ACLs?


A Client-Side Library has the category “library.example”.
Which HTL statement should a developer use to reference only the CSS files of this Client-Side library


What is not available in globel.jsp?


Which two methods could a developer use to obtain a Session without using a deprecated API? (Choose two.)


How should a developer configure the replication agent to flush the dispatcher cache for a newly activated page?


A developer is creating templates and/or components using CRXDE Lite. The developer needs to check the files into source control.
Which tool should the developer use to achieve this goal?


A service component periodically retrieves content from an external REST interface and saves the information in JCR. The REST endpoint is configured via an OSGi service property. There is one URL for production (runmode prod) and another URL for all other environments.
How should a developer configure the OSGi service?


A developer is working on a project locally and needs to install packages manually. The deployments to the localhost must be automated to speed up development. This functionality must be toggled on and off, depending on the needs of the developer.
Which step should the developer take to achieve this?


A developer creates a template-type for building editable templates.
The resulting editable templates and pages must always contain a specific layout container that can NOT be deleted by the author.
How should the developer meet this requirement?


A developer needs to implement a functionality that requires creating a Custom Workflow Step.
Which two steps should the developer take to start developing the custom behavior? (Choose two)


A developer identifies that some requests for the page /content/sampleproject/page.html take longer than other requests for the same page.
Refer to the $DOCROOT/content/sampleproject directory below.
[user@group /opt/dispatcher/cache/content/sampleproject ]$ ks -la
total 2
drwxr-xr-x. 5 apache apache 4096 Feb 11 11:41 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 apache apache 4096 Nov 29 16:07 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 4 apache apache 4096 Feb 7 03:21 page.html
-rw-r–r–. 1 apache apache 0 Feb 7 03:19 .stat
The dispatcher.log file contains the following lines:
[Wed Feb 13 13:14:04 2012] [D] [1376(1572)] checking [/libs/cq/security/userinfo.json]
[Wed Feb 13 13:14:04 2012] [D] [1376(1572)] Caching disabled due to query string: tracking_id=1350373444666
[Wed Feb 13 13:14:04 2012] [D] [1376(1572)] cache-action for [/libs/cq/security/userinfo.json]: None How should the developer make sure that the page is always cached?


A developer has a component named foobar with the following file:
import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo;
public class FooBar extends WCMUsePojo; {
public void activate() throws Exception {}
public String getLink() {
return “’”;
public String getText() {
return “foo’bar”;
<div data-sly-use.fooBar=”FooBar”>
<a href=”${}” title=”${fooBar.text}”>
What is the output when the component is rendered?


The following stack trace is written in the error.log file after installing a custom application package.
Could not start bundle com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle [526]. Reason: {}. Will retry.
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle [526](R 526.0): missing requirement [com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle] osgi.wiring.package What are two different ways that the developer could resolve the OSGi bundle dependency error? (Choose two)


A developer needs to create an OSGi service to run on an Author instance and send out newsletters at periodic intervals. Intervals should be customized using the Web Console Configuration. Concurrent execution must be prevented.
Which code snippet should a developer use to achieve?


A developer needs to implement a header component for a website. The component has the following requirements:
– The component should be configured once on the page highest in the hierarchy.
– The header component on pages lower in the hierarchy should look the same and show the same data.
– If necessary, the configuration can be overwritten on a child page.
– The component should show a list of links that are configured in the header component.
Which code snippet for returning the list of pages should the developer use?


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